
How I made my video creation EASY

Note – This article was an email that was sent out to my subscribers on 5th July, 2021. To become a subscriber for my future emails, you can fill up the form at the end of this article. I send emails related to my current experiences in the Online Coaching industry, lessons related to digital marketing and even some raw and hard hitting personal development advice (no woo-woo stuff).

I recently pre-launched my new course called Online Course Launchpad, which is a full fledged course that teaches you how to launch your first online course in 5 weeks which is capable of generating over Rs.1.5 lakhs/month.

Here’s the thing – Even though the planning of this course took me around a month, the video creation part took me only around 21 days (last section is left which will be completed within this week too).

So how was I able to create almost 20 hours of video content so fast?

I changed one thing.

I stopped using webcam overlays.

When you are screen recording, webcam overlays are are those little windows where you can be seen.

Now webcam overlays are usually fantastic because your audience is able to see you continuously.

But they come with the problem of decreased productivity.

Because every time you have to make sure you are presentable and so is your background.

So when I used to use webcam overlays, I used to perform the following tasks:

  • Make sure I am wearing a nice t-shirt
  • Make sure I am clean shaven
  • Make sure my hair was gelled (yeah, I have HORRIBLE alien hair)
  • Make sure the background clutter was removed

All this was too time consuming and frustrating.

So for this course I decided to ditch the webcam overlay for good.

I already knew it was not such a big deal because in almost all of my photography courses at Creative Pad Media (my photography education business), I had never used webcam overlays and my students still loved it.

So now I was only recording the screen and my audio.

The advantage of this was HUGE!!!

My video creation productivity almost went up 5X.

I could be looking like a homeless man (which is my default state) and my room could be a complete mess (again the default setting), but I could still make videos with ease.

That’s the keyword – “With Ease“.

It’s like the stress of video creation just vaporized into thin air and I started enjoying the process so much.

And since my pre-launch 2 weeks back, more than 100 people have already signed up for this course and I have only received praises for the video quality. Not even a single person has complained about me not being present in the webcam overlay.


Because people focus on the quality of the content. If that’s there, they won’t mind other things not being perfect.

But I did make sure that I was seen in some videos like the Intro videos for each module, the Welcome videos, the Conclusion videos and some of the videos in between too. Because a bit of you coming somewhere is important too.

But in majority of the videos it’s just me and my voice.

When your video creation process is easy, you will be more motivated to quickly complete your course.

Remember, the ability to finish a product is a habit which must be developed and then turned into an addiction.

And the easier the whole production process is, the more you will get addicted to this habit.

A lesson that I keep on learning again and again in business – Easy is right, difficult is wrong!


Kush Sharma

Click Trainers

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    Want to learn the entire process of creating and selling online courses and starting an online coaching business?

    Then check out my main course called Online Course LaunchPad which takes you from A to Z of launching your first ever online course.

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