
What about your medal?

Note – This article was an email that was sent out to my subscribers on 16th August, 2021. To become a subscriber for my future emails, you can fill up the form at the end of this article. I send emails related to my current experiences in the Online Coaching industry, lessons related to digital marketing and even some raw and hard hitting personal development advice (no woo-woo stuff).

Some tough love today.

I always dread big sports events like the Olympics.

Because they always result in the most useless type of news being shared till you can’t ignore it and are forced to check what the fuss is all about.

So I finally gave in and decided to see what the commotion was all about.

So a guy named Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal.

So what?

Why is everyone going crazy behind this event?

How does it relate to you?

Is he your relative or friend?

It’s definitely a fantastic achievement but the only people who should be really and genuinely happy about Neeraj winning a gold medal are Neeraj, his family, close friends and his team members.

Anyone else who is celebrating this victory is trying to fill themselves with a fake pride.

Why is this pride fake?

Simply because you don’t even have a 0.0000000001% contribution in what he has achieved.

So why are you celebrating?

Just because he’s a compatriot?

The only time we should celebrate a compatriots victory is when our soldiers and armed forces personnel fight for us.

The rest of the time it is just a fake pride.

Real pride is always associated with what we do ourselves.

For that you have to change your mindset from being a passive audience to an active creator.

You have to go from a consumer mindset to a producer mindset.

There’s nothing wrong with watching TV to relax but to celebrate something in which you had no part to play is just unacceptable for the self-respect of a producer.

I want you to take a vow and start producing something from today itself.

Whether it’s an online course, a book, a podcast, a blog or whatever, it doesn’t matter.

But today I want you to take a vow to become a producer.

Today I want you to get up from the audience seat and have the courage to walk on to the stage.

The internet has given an opportunity to everyone to reclaim their own stardom.

And I want you to grab that opportunity with both hands.

And never look back!


Kush Sharma

Click Trainers

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